Doctors Online powered by eDocAmerica

The fast, easy way to get health information from an online resource you can trust. You have 24/7 access to doctors, pharmacists, psychologists, dentists, dieticians and more by email or smartphone app. You’ll get treatment options and advice you understand. With Doctors Online, the doctor’s always in!


Doctors Online powered by eDocAmerica FAQ

What services are included?

You can email board-certified physicians, psychologists, pharmacists, dentists, dietitians, fitness trainers, alternative medicine doctors, and eye doctors for help with treatment options, behavioral health questions, nutrition, fitness and more.

Are there any services Doctors Online does not provide?   

Emergency issues and prescribing medications are excluded.

Am I charged for each new question?

No. You can use this benefit as often as needed.

Will the medical information I share remain confidential?

Yes. Health records are kept private and protected.



"71 percent of millennials would be interested in a doctor/provider giving them a mobile app on their smartphone/tablet to actively manage their well-being for preventative care, review health records, schedule appointments." State of the Connected Patient Report, 2015

"Fifty-six percent of American web users look online for information about a certain medical treatment or procedure." Pew Internet Project/California HealthCare Foundation, 2010

"Eight in ten caregivers (79%) have access to the internet. Of those, 88% look online for health information." Pew Internet Project/California HealthCare Foundation, 2012

"When asked where internet users will go for information the next time they need health or medical information, 46% say they will find health care information online next time they need it and 47% say they will contact a medical professional. Overall, 31% of all Americans say they will find it online, while 59% say they will contact a medical professional." Pew Internet Project/California HealthCare Foundation, 2012

"Consumers are ready to use health IT today: 75% of consumers are willing to go online to view their medical records; more than 60% want the ability to communicate with their doctor by email or Internet." Optum Institute/Harris Interactive, 2012

"It is not just the young who are online. More than half of all seniors surveyed (57%) are ready to go online to manage their health and communicate with their care providers." Optum Institute/Harris Interactive, 2012